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- 22:29, 18 December 2010 Arif Paşa (3) (hist | edit) [274 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: Hacı. ==Lived ?-? == ==Chronological Details== * Haziran 1906-Şubat 1907: Trabzon valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 66. [[Catego...)
- 22:28, 18 December 2010 Arif Paşa (2) (hist | edit) [285 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-? == ==Chronological Details== * Temmuz 1898-Şubat 1899: Musul valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 66. [[Category:Ottomans...)
- 22:28, 18 December 2010 Arif Paşa (1) (hist | edit) [334 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-? == ==Chronological Details== * Kasım 1878-Kasım 1879: Şkodra valisi * Ocak 1881-Ocak 1882: Hassa Ordusu komutanı '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliograph...)
- 22:27, 18 December 2010 Arif Hikmet Paşa, Damad (Germiyanoğlu) (hist | edit) [490 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1872-1942 == ==Chronological Details== * Ekim 1912-Ocak 1913: Adliye nazırı * Ekim 1912-Ocak 1913: ilaveten Şura-yı devlet reisi * Aralık 1918: Meclis-i ayan azası * Oca...)
- 22:26, 18 December 2010 Arif Hikmet Paşa (hist | edit) [402 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1851-1915 == ==Chronological Details== * Ağustos 1908-Şubat 1909: Bahriye nazırı * Mayıs 1909-Ocak 1910: Bahriye nazırı * Aralık 1908: Meclis-i ayan azası '''Sources'...)
- 22:19, 18 December 2010 Aram Efendi (hist | edit) [312 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1855-1926 == ==Chronological Details== * Mart 1909: Meclis-i ayan azası '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 66. [[Category:Ottomans...)
- 22:19, 18 December 2010 Antopulos Paşa, Kostaki (hist | edit) [400 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1834-1902 == ==Chronological Details== * Mart 1877: Meclis-i ayan azası * Ocak 1887-Mayıs 1888: Girit valisi * Ocak 1896-Aralık 1902: Londra büyükelçisi '''Sources''': [...)
- 22:18, 18 December 2010 Antimos VII (hist | edit) [301 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1913 == ==Chronological Details== * Ocak 1895-Nisan 1897: Rum Ortodoks patriği '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 66. [[Category...)
- 22:17, 18 December 2010 Antimos VI (hist | edit) [403 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1877 == ==Chronological Details== * Aralık 1845-Ekim 1848: Rum Ortodoks patriği * Eylül 1853-Eylül 1855: Rum Ortodoks patriği * Eylül 1871-Kasım 1873: Rum Ortodoks pat...)
- 22:17, 18 December 2010 Antimos V (hist | edit) [306 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1842 == ==Chronological Details== * Mayıs 1841-Haziran 1842: Rum Ortodoks patriği '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 66. [[Cate...)
- 22:16, 18 December 2010 Antimos IV (hist | edit) [352 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1878 == ==Chronological Details== * Şubat 1840-Mayıs 1841: Rum Ortodoks patriği * Ekim 1848-Kasım 1852: Rum Ortodoks patriği '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==B...)
- 22:14, 18 December 2010 Antim I. (Atanaz M. Çalikov) (hist | edit) [297 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1816-1888 == ==Chronological Details== * Nisan 1872-Nisan 1877: Bulgar Eksarhı '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 66. [[Category:O...)
- 22:12, 18 December 2010 Ali Yaver Paşa, Musullu (hist | edit) [292 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1868 == ==Chronological Details== * Aralık 1862-Ağustos 1864: Yemen valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 66. [[Category:Ot...)
- 22:11, 18 December 2010 Ali Şevki Bey (Berker) (hist | edit) [276 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1881-1963 == ==Chronological Details== * Kasım 1920-Haziran 1921: Stokholm elçisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 66. [[Catego...)
- 22:11, 18 December 2010 Ali Şefkati Efendi (hist | edit) [318 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1890 == ==Chronological Details== * Ekim 1873-Şubat 1874: Sadaret müsteşarı * Ekim 1885-Ekim 1890: Sadaret müsteşarı '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 66. ==Bibliog...)
- 22:10, 18 December 2010 Ali Şefik Paşa (hist | edit) [596 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1867 == ==Chronological Details== * Temmuz 1842-Temmuz 1848: Mabeyn başkatibi * Eylül 1848-Ocak 1850: Evkaf nazırı * Mart 1850-Nisan 1853: Hazine-i Hassa nazırı * Aral...)
- 22:09, 18 December 2010 Ali Şefik Paşa, Trabzonlu (hist | edit) [264 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1843 == ==Chronological Details== * Mayıs 1842-Mart 1843: Bolu valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 65. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 65. [[Category:Ottomans...)
- 22:08, 18 December 2010 Ali Süruri Paşa (hist | edit) [346 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1827-1890 == ==Chronological Details== * Mart 1886-Mart 1888: Trabzon valisi * Nisan 1888-Nisan 1889: Sivas valisi * Nisan 1889-Ekim 1890: Konya valisi '''Sources''': [[Kunera...)
- 22:08, 18 December 2010 Ali Subhi Bey (hist | edit) [365 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1860-1943 == ==Chronological Details== * Haziran 1910-Temmuz 1911: Şehremini * Ekim 1911-Mayıs 1912: Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid valisi * Ekim 1919-Mayıs 1920: Konya valisi '''S...)
- 22:07, 18 December 2010 Ali Seydi Bey (hist | edit) [320 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1869-1933 == ==Chronological Details== * Kasım 1913-Şubat 1914: Adana valisi * Temmuz 1918-Mayıs 1919: Mamuretülaziz valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 65 ==Biblio...)
- 22:06, 18 December 2010 Ali Saib Paşa, Gürcü (hist | edit) [754 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1891 == ==Chronological Details== * Ekim-Kasım 1872: Zaptiye müşiri * Mart-Mayıs 1873: Şkodra valisi * Mayıs-Ağustos 1873: Tophane müşiri * Ağustos 1873-Eylül 187...)
- 22:04, 18 December 2010 Ali Rüşdü Efendi, Bosnalı (hist | edit) [304 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1936 == ==Chronological Details== * Nisan-Ekim 1920: Adliye nazırı '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 65. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 65. [[Category:Ottomans]...)
- 22:03, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Refik Bey (hist | edit) [463 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1878 == ==Chronological Details== * Eylül-Kasım 1871: Hazine-i hassa nazırı * Aralık 1871-Ocak 1872: Sadaret müsteşarı * Ekim 1872-Eylül 1873: Mabeyn-i hümayun baş...)
- 22:03, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Paşa (2) (hist | edit) [278 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-? == ==Chronological Details== * Şubat-Mart 1913: Basra valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 65. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 65. Category:Ottomans [[Ca...)
- 22:01, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Paşa (1) (hist | edit) [731 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1860-1932 == ==Chronological Details== * Şubat-Ağustos 1903: Manastır valisi * Ağustos-Eylül 1908: 2. Ordu komutanı * Aralık 1908: Meclis-i ayan azası * Ağustos 1908-...)
- 22:01, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Paşa, Topçu (hist | edit) [396 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1854-1921 == ==Chronological Details== * Temmuz 1908-Şubat 1909: Tophane müşiri * Aralık 1908: Meclis-i ayan azası * Şubat-Nisan 1909: Bahriye nazırı '''Sources''': [[...)
- 22:00, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Paşa, Cezayirli (hist | edit) [474 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1876 == ==Chronological Details== * Haziran 1867-Mart 1870: Trablusgarb valisi * Mayıs 1870-Ekim 1871: Hüdavendigar valisi * Kasım 1871-Nisan 1872: 2. Ordu komutanı * Ni...)
- 21:59, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Paşa, Laz (hist | edit) [397 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1846 == ==Chronological Details== * 1831-Mart 1842: Bağdad valisi * Mart 1842-Şubat 1846: Şam valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 64. 1831'da Bağdad valisi olmuş...)
- 21:58, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Mümtaz Paşa (hist | edit) [453 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1857-1901 == ==Chronological Details== * Kasım 1878-Temmuz 1879: Mabeyn başkatibi * Temmuz 1879-Ocak 1880: Hazine-i Hassa nazırı * Aralık 1879: Meclis-i ayan azası * Haz...)
- 21:58, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Mehmed Paşa (hist | edit) [654 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1877 == ==Chronological Details== * Temmuz-Eylül 1850: Şehr-i Zor valisi * Eylül 1850-Ekim 1851: Vidin valisi * Kasım 1851-Şubat 1853: Yanya valisi * Kasım 1853-Şubat...)
- 21:57, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Efendi (hist | edit) [308 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1845-1914 == ==Chronological Details== * Aralık 1908: Meclis-i ayan azası '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 64. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 64. [[Category:Ottom...)
- 21:56, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Efendi, Bursevi (hist | edit) [444 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1815-1906 == ==Chronological Details== * Ocak 1850-Ocak 1851: Evkaf nazırı * Kasım 1859-Haziran 1860: Evkaf nazırı * Temmuz 1860-Nisan 1861: Hazine-i Hassa nazırı * Mar...)
- 21:56, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Bey (hist | edit) [436 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1875-1928 == ==Chronological Details== * Kasım 1907-Ağustos 1908: Van valisi * Ağustos 1908-Şubat 1909: Kastamonu valisi * Şubat-Kasım 1909: Yanya valisi * Ağustos 1912...)
- 21:55, 18 December 2010 Ali Rıza Bey, İngiliz (hist | edit) [383 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1830-1884 == ==Chronological Details== * Ekim 1852-Haziran 1854: Berlin mukim maslahatgüzarı * Eylül 1871-Mayıs 1872: Şehremini * Ekim 1877: Meclis-i ayan azası '''Sourc...)
- 21:54, 18 December 2010 Ali Refik Bey (hist | edit) [272 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1897 == ==Chronological Details== * Haziran 1896-Temmuz 1897: Kastamonu valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 64. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 64. [[Category:...)
- 21:51, 18 December 2010 Ali Paşa (Çürüksulu) (hist | edit) [174 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1913== ==Chronological Details== ==Bibliography == * Oktay Özel, "Çürüksulu Ali Paşa ve Ailesi Üzerine Biyografik Notlar", ''Kebikeç'', 16 (2003),95-144.)
- 21:42, 18 December 2010 Ali Paşa, Kokona/Şarapçı (hist | edit) [635 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1829-1889 == ==Chronological Details== * Ekim-Aralık 1871: Erzurum valisi * Aralık 1871-Mayıs 1872: Trabzon valisi * Ağustos 1872-Temmuz 1873: Şehremini * Temmuz 1873-Eki...)
- 21:41, 18 December 2010 Ali Paşa, Yakalı (hist | edit) [288 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1876 == ==Chronological Details== * Mayıs-Ağustos 1876: Şkodra valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 64. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 64. [[Category:Ottoma...)
- 21:40, 18 December 2010 Ali Paşa, Hacı, Kütahyalı/Germiyanoğlu (hist | edit) [691 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1876 == ==Chronological Details== * Ekim 1846-Kasım 1847: Harput valisi * Ekim 1851-Aralık 1857: Şehrizor valisi * Aralık 1857-Aralık 1858: Şam valisi * Aralık 1858-E...)
- 21:39, 18 December 2010 Ali Paşa, Halepli (hist | edit) [261 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-? == ==Chronological Details== * Mart 1869-Mayıs 1871: Yemen valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 63. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 63. Category:Ottomans...)
- 21:38, 18 December 2010 Ali Paşa (3) (hist | edit) [264 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-? == ==Chronological Details== * Ağustos 1912-Mart 1914: Bitlis valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 64. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 64. [[Category:Ottoman...)
- 21:37, 18 December 2010 Ali Paşa (2) (hist | edit) [294 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: Hacı. ==Lived ?-1911 == ==Chronological Details== * Mayıs 1891-Ağustos 1908: Serkurena '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 64. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 64. [[Categor...)
- 21:35, 18 December 2010 Ali Paşa (1) (hist | edit) [310 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: Hacı. ==Lived 1790-1841 == ==Chronological Details== * 1832-Temmuz 1840: Konya valisi * Temmuz 1840-Ocak 1841: Şam valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 63. ==Bibliography== ...)
- 21:33, 18 December 2010 Ali Osman Bey (Güley) (hist | edit) [272 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1868-1947 == ==Chronological Details== * Mart-Eylül 1915: Hüdavendigar valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 63. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 63. [[Category:O...)
- 21:33, 18 December 2010 Ali Nusret Paşa, Giritli (hist | edit) [276 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1846-1919 == ==Chronological Details== * Ekim 1908-Ocak 1909: Mamuretülaziz valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 63. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 63. [[Catego...)
- 21:32, 18 December 2010 Ali Necib Paşa (hist | edit) [300 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-1845 == ==Chronological Details== * Temmuz 1839-Şubat 1840: Hazine-i Hassa nazırı '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 63. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003),63. [[Cate...)
- 21:31, 18 December 2010 Ali Nazım Bey (Resmor) (hist | edit) [317 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1867-1935 == ==Chronological Details== * Mart 1911-Şubat 1912: Van valisi * Şubat 1912-Temmuz 1914: Mamuretülaziz valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 63. ==Bibliogra...)
- 21:30, 18 December 2010 Ali Münif Bey (Yeğenağa) (hist | edit) [536 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1874-1951 == ==Chronological Details== * Eylül 1910-Ocak 1912: Ankara valisi * Ocak-Ağustos 1912: Manastır valisi * Ocak-Haziran 1913: Halep valisi * Haziran-Eylül 1913: B...)
- 21:29, 18 December 2010 Ali Muhyiddin Paşa (hist | edit) [263 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived 1869-1926 == ==Chronological Details== * Mart-Ekim 1919: Ankara valisi '''Sources''': Kuneralp (2003), 63. ==Bibliography== Kuneralp (2003), 63. Category:Ottomans...)
- 21:28, 18 December 2010 Ali Mazhar Bey (hist | edit) [389 bytes] Christophherzog (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Lived ?-? == ==Chronological Details== * Ağustos 1909-Kasım 1910: Kosova valisi * Kasım 1910-Temmuz 1911: Edirne valisi * Temmuz 1911-Ocak 1912: Halep valisi * Şubat 1914-Temmuz...)